Exercise NOBLE SKYWAVE 2019

Exercise NOBLE SKYWAVE 2019

Ex NS traditionally takes place each year at CFSCE, Kingston during C&E Week festivities. Its purpose is to verify our tertiary means of intercontinental communications using HF sky-wave propagation. Teams from across the globe participate and attempt to establish...
C&E Week 2019 Officers’ Mess Dinner

C&E Week 2019 Officers’ Mess Dinner

The annual C&E Officers’ Mess Dinner took place at the Vimy Officers’ Mess (VOM) on Thursday, 24 October 2019. This date marked the 116th anniversary of the Branch and its founding service: the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.   The evening was hosted by our...
Major Carruthers Gravesite Ceremony

Major Carruthers Gravesite Ceremony

On Thursday, 24 October 2019 – The CFJSR celebrated the 116th anniversary of the Canadian Signalling Corps with a graveside ceremony for Major Wallace Bruce Matthew Carruthers: the founder of the Canadian Signalling Corps. Major Carruthers served with the...