VAC Disability Benefits

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Did you suffer an injury or illness related to your military service?

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) provides various disability benefits to eligible veterans.

Disability benefits are financial payments provided to individuals who have a service-related disability.

Depending on the circumstances, two different types of benefits are available: a disability pension and a disability award. 

To receive a disability benefit you must:

  • have a diagnosed medical condition or disability and
  • be able to show how it’s related to your service

What is a disability pension? 

Disability pensions provide monthly tax-free payments to the following groups of people:

  • War Service veterans (including Merchant Navy veterans) of the Second World War or the Korean War
  • Civilians who served in close support of the Armed Forces during wartime
  • Current and former members of the RCMP
  • Current and former members of the CAF who applied before April 1, 2006
  • Survivors / Surviving dependents can also qualify for benefits

The amount of a Disability Pension depends on:

  • the degree to which that disability is related to your service (entitlement) and
  • the extent of the disability (assessment).

Your rank or years of military service have no impact on the amount you may receive.

Additional pension amounts may also be awarded for qualified dependents (e.g. spouse, common-law partner and/or children).

What is a disability award?

The disability award provides a tax-free award for an injury or illness resulting from military service.

You may apply for a disability award if:

  • you are a CAF member or veteran who served after 1 April, 1947 other than the Korean War and
  • you have a service-related injury or disease or a non-service-related injury or disease that was aggravated by service

The amount of the award depends on:

  • the degree to which your disability is related to your service (entitlement) and
  • the extent of your disability (assessment).

Your rank or years of military service have no impact on the amount you may receive.

Benefits may be awarded to the surviving spouse/common-law partner or other qualified dependents of the CAF member or veteran.

How to apply

You can get assistance in preparing and submitting a disability benefit application from VAC or a Royal Canadian Legion Command Service Officer.

Additional information on how to apply for benefits is available from VAC by calling toll-free at 1-866-522-2122 (English) or 1-866-522-2022 (French) or online at Veterans Affairs Canada.

You can locate your closest Royal Canadian Legion Command Service Officer by visiting the Legion web site at or calling toll-free 1-877-534-4666 for more information.

Other Benefits and Services

A favourable entitlement decision is a gateway to the other VAC Financial and Health benefits and services.