Association canadienne militaire des communications et de l’électronique

Le patrimoine, ça compte

A library of documents, stories and images of historical interest to members of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals and the Communications and Electronic Branch both serving and retired.




The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals Standing Orders (1966)

The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals Standing Orders (1966)
RCCS Corps Standing Orders were published to provide authoritative information on the customs and traditions of the Corps, which previously had been passed down over the years by word of mouth.  As best that can be determined, these orders represent the last formal publication of RCCS Corps Standing Orders.

Holland and the Canadians

Holland and the Canadians
Published in 1946 by the Canadian-Netherlands Committee, this book was intended to be a commemorative gift to the Canadian Army which could be kept by each individual recipient as an expression of admiration and gratitude from the Dutch nation to its liberators.