The Late LCol Ed Drake (Ret’d), RCCS inducted into NSA Cryptologic “Hall of Honor”

Recherche d’un entrepreneur

La Fondation du Musée de la communication militaire et de l’électronique recherche un entrepreneur pour fournir des services de secrétaire-trésorier. Le contrat débutera le 1er septembre 2019 et nécessitera environ 40 heures par mois de travail. Ce sera pour une...
Vintage Signals Team in Davos, Switzerland

Vintage Signals Team in Davos, Switzerland

The Vintage Signals Team has returned from the Youth Leadership Summit in Davos, Switzerland. The theme was communications for approximately 2,000 American and German students.  Our team expanded our Morse Code and Caesar shift cipher to a Key word challenge and a...
Horseless Carriage Club visits C&E Museum

Horseless Carriage Club visits C&E Museum

The Museum has been contacted by the Horseless Carriage Club as they plan on visiting the gallery Fri, 26 July afternoon. I have asked permission from them to let people know online about their visit as people may be interested at looking at the automobiles.  At this...