The Communications and Electronics Association


The Communication & Electronics (C&E) Association acts as the professional association for all members of the Canadian Armed Forces C&E Family, including our serving members (Regular Force and Reserve) as well as our retired members and veterans.  Their family members can also join as Associate Members.


All former and serving members (Regular Force and Reserve) of the C&E Branch and its founding elements are automatically members in perpetuity of the C&E Association.  Family members are welcome to apply for Associate Membership.


The C&E Association is a major component of the C&E Family, which also includes the C&E Branch, the Military C&E Museum and the Military C&E Museum Foundation.  The C&E Family also includes a number of Affiliates – informally associated C&E organizations that cooperate with other C&E Family members.  Guiding the undertakings within the C&E Family is the C&E Senate, headed by our C&E Branch Leader and Colonel Commandant, and includes representation drawn from across the C&E Family.


The C&E Association’s mandated five core functions are:

  1. Enhance the effectiveness of Canada’s military C&E capabilities by supporting professional development;
  2. Nurture and facilitate the well-being of all C&E serving and retired military personnel and their families;
  3. Preserve, educate, and celebrate the heritage and traditions of the C&E community in conjunction with the Canadian Forces C&E Museum;
  4. Connect with and promote a close association with all members of our extended C&E military community; and
  5. Act as the C&E community member on the Conference of Defence Associations.


  • Staying Connected The C&E Association provides opportunities to network with other C&E Association and C&E Family members throughout Canada – physically through its events and activities, and electronically through the Canadian Military Communications and Electronics Network, or CMCEN.  Through its events and activities, and through CMCEN, you can keep up-to-date with current news and information from across the C&E Association and across the C&E Family.
  • Accessing Beneficial Affinity Programs The C&E Association has partnered with TD Insurance to allow our members to access auto and home insurance services at preferred rates (see link below).  TD Insurance is the largest direct-response group home and automobile insurer in Canada, and is considered the benchmark for affinity programs.  TD Insurance is part of the TD Bank Financial Group, which serves approximately 13 million clients worldwide.  This service is currently accessed by the Canadian Military Engineers Association, The RCAF Association, and the Royal Canadian Artillery Association.
  • Upgrading Through Professional Development The C&E Association will offer Professional Development activities, including symposiums, and publishing professional papers and articles of community interest on CMCEN.
  • Advocating for the C&E Community The C&E Association participates in the Conference of Defence Associations, and is thereby able to put forward the relevant views and positions of the C&E Family.
  • Accessing External Services The C&E Association maintains connections with other morale and welfare programs and services, including the Support Our Troops fund and a wide range of scholarships.
  • Assisting Our Veterans The C&E Association will also provide assistance and information related to assisting and supporting our veterans and their families.
  • Celebrating Our Heritage and Traditions Working with the Museum and the Foundation, the C&E Association supports activities and events that recognize and celebrate the C&E Branch’s heritage and traditions.  Finally, our Association will generate major efforts in support of ongoing and future heritage events.


Connect with the C&E Association and the broader C&E Family through CMCEN, and stay updated with the latest news and upcoming events from across our C&E Family and its serving and retired communities.  To access this information and services, simply register on CMCEN by going to the membership tab and entering the necessary information.


C&E Association membership is free.  And, CMCEN registration is also free.