Honours & Awards

For H&A forms and submissions, please visit the Honours & Awards appropriate recognition.
All forms, templates, and directions are described therein.

Past Recipients

YearMedallion No.Recipient
99Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, Princess Anne
Initial coin at its conception in 2013
20131Brigadier-General George D. Simpson, OMM, CD (Retired)
20132General Ramsay M. Withers, CMM, CD (Retired)
20133Colonel David L. Hart, MM, CD (Retired)
20134Lieutenant-Colonel Dan Bergeron, OMM, CD (Retired)
20135Brigadier-General George D. Simpson, OMM, CD (Retired)
20136Brigadier-General Don Banks, CMM, CD (Retired)
20137Brigadier-General Pep Fraser, OMM, CD (Retired)
20138Brigadier-General William ‘Bill’ J. Patterson, OMM, CD (Retired)
20139Colonel Peter H. Sutton, CD (Retired)
201310Colonel Jack A.P. Thomson, CD (Retired)
201311Colonel Percy A. Tappin, CD (Retired)
201312Major Clair B. Bostwick, MMM, CD (Retired)
201313Major David G. Lawrence, CD (Retired)
201314Major Sandy E. Lipin, CD (Retired)
201315Major Jack Magilton, CD (Retired)
201316Master Warrant Officer Terry R. Murphy, MMM, CD (Retired)
201317Warrant Officer Lisa DeNoble, MMM, CD (Retired)
201318Brigadier-General Michel Charron, OMM, CD (Retired)
201319Brigadier-General Dan P. Harrison, CD (Retired)
201320Captain (Navy) John E. Croft, CD (Retired)
201321Colonel Catherine E. Allan, CD (Retired)
201322Colonel Bob Leitch, CD (Retired)
201323Lieutenant-Colonel Brian P. McDonnell, CD (Retired)
201324Major William ‘Bill’ W. Dyke, MMM, CD (Retired)
201625Major Mike DeNoble, CD (Retired)
201726Brigadier-General William ‘Bill’ Richard, CD (Retired)
201827Colonel Don F. Pruner, OMM, CD (Retired)
201828Colonel Jim Holsworth, CD (Retired)
201930Chief Warrant Officer William ‘Bill’ Fallows, CD (Retired)
202029Master Warrant Officer Patrice Guevremont, CD
202031Brigadier-General Bob Martineau, CD (Retired)
1995Captain John A. MacKenzie, CD
2001Master Corporal Frank Misztal, CD
2004Brigadier-General Kevin G. O’Keefe, OMM, CD
2004Chief Warrant Officer R.J. Robillard, CD
2004Adjudant-maître Mario-Roch J.W. Benoît, CD
2004Adjudant Marco J.C.Y. Séguin, CD
2004Sergeant Claude J.R. Lavoie, CD
2004Caporal-chef Yves J. Dorval, CD
2004Caporal-chef Daniel J. Ouellet, CD
2004Caporal Eric J.R. Giroux, CD
2004M. Jean-François Bédard (Civilian)
2005Chief Warrant Officer J.A.S. Berthiaume, CD
2005Mr. Stuart Crawford (Civilian)
2006Adjudant-maître J.W.M.R. Benoît, CD
2006Master Corporal E.A. Morlidge, CD
2006Mr. Jack Magilton (Civilian)
2007Brigadier-General George D. Simpson, OMM, CD (Retired)
2007Adjudant-chef J.R.Y. Beaudoin, CD
2007Warrant Officer M.P. McKinney, CD
2007Master Corporal J.P. Shorter, CD
2008Lieutenant-Colonel J.A.P. Thomson, CD (Retired)
2010Lieutenant-Colonel Gerhard ‘Gary’ A.W. Knopf, CD
2010Lieutenant-Colonel David Gosselin, CD
2010Sergent Joseph Sylvain Léger, CD
2010Corporal Robert J. Howatt
2011Colonel George Lackonick, CD
2011Master Warrant Officer Terrence R. Murphy, MMM, CD (Retired)
2011Sergeant Heather A. Chapman, CD
2012Colonel Jim I. Holsworth, CD (Retired)
2012Master Warrant Officer Mark W. Brown, CD
2012Caporal-chef P.G.G. Poirier-Dulac
2012Corporal Phillip C. Herring, CD
2013ATESS / CCISF ATIS Technician Development Cell (Group Award)
2013The CFSCE Publications Development Staff (Group Award)
2014Colonel Walter A. Wood, CD
2014Lieutenant-Colonel James Lambert, CD
2014Major Benoit D. Achim, CD
2014Major Allan E. Ferriss, CD
2014Major Lorraine H. Fischer, CD
2014Captain Gary R. Hayes, CD (Retired)
2014Chief Warrant Officer Marcel M. Dinelle, CD
2014Chief Warrant Officer J.Y.R. Giard, CD (Retired)
2014Adjudant Sylvain Gagnon, CD
2014Hamilton Signals Association (Group Award)
2014The Signallers’ Club (Group Award)
20148 Air Communications and Control Squadron (Group Award)
201421 Electronic Warfare Regiment (Group Award)
201432 Signal Regiment (Group Award)
201433 Signal Regiment (Group Award)
201476 Communication Group (Group Award)
2014Canadian Forces Information Operations Group (Group Award)
2014Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment (Group Award)
2014Canadian Forces School of Communications & Electronics (Group Award)
2015Lieutenant-Colonel J.S.M. Bouffard, CD (Retired)
2015Major Darrell G. Williams, CD
2015Warrant Officer Stephen P. O’Shea, CD
2016Colonel Pascal J.P. Godbout, CD
2016Lieutenant-Colonel Darren L. Harper, OMM, CD
2016Lieutenant-Colonell Nicholas P. Torrington-Smith, CD
2016Maj Erik M. Esselaar, CD
2016Mr. Barry Bell (Civilian)
2016Mr. Burke Gerhardt (Civilian)
2016Mr. Chester Jablonski (Civilian)
2016Mr. David A. Douglas (Civilian)
2016Mr. Doug Johns (Civilian)
2016Mr. Ed Robinson (Civilian)
2016Mr. Edward Blight (Civilian)
2016Hamilton Signals Association (Group Award)
2017Major Ann Ervin, CD
2017Major Brigitte Allaire, OMM, CD
2017Master Warrant Officer Dennis Taylor, CD
2017Sergeant Jocelyn Gladu, CD
2017Master Corporal Andrew Griffin
2017Master Corporal Charles J. B. Le Moyne
2017Master Corporal Bobby McKay
2017Ms. Jan Race (Civilian)
2018Signaller Tammy Piatkowski
2021Sergeant Terry Cadieux, CD
2021Aviator Tetiana Winchester
2012Lieutenant Christopher Vernon
2013Lieutenant Jason Kauenhofen
2014Lieutenant Gayle Motycka
2015Captain Alex Kisielius
2016Captain Kathryn Bowen
2017Lieutenant Kyle McLaughlin
2018Lieutenant Tristan Archambault
2019Captain Matthias Bowles
2020Captain Garrett McDonald
20212nd Lieutenant Kristina Kacmarova
2022Captain T. Curran
2023Lieutenant Inga Hammers
2006Master Corporal Reynold Dyck
2007Master Corporal Jonathan L’Italien
2008Master Corporal Patrick Rule
2009Master Corporal Paul Hunt
2010Corporal Jason Daniels
2011Corporal Roch Grenier
2012Master Corporal Sebastien St-Gelais
2013Master Corporal Martin Mailloux
2014Master Corporal Jean-Sebastien Vallée
2015Corporal Mark Flood
2016Corporal Jason O’Hearon
2017Master Corporal James Nicholls
2018Master Corporal Mike Bauml
2019Master Corporal Justin Barfoot
2020Master Corporal Joshua Townsend
2021Master Corporal Emily Bradley
2022Corporal Patrick Kerr
2023Corporal Christian Glass
2007Ashley Nickerson$1,000.00
2007Jennifer McDougall$1,000.00
2007Irina Tessier$500.00
2007Julie Bosse$500.00
2009Dorothy Elizabeth Salnikov$1,000.00
2009Robyn Paul$1,000.00
2009Brittany Mary Moore$500.00
2009Alexander Neil McKenna$500.00
2010Michelle Conolly$1,000.00
2010Kim Lafreniere$1,000.00
2010Jocelyn Doppler$500.00
2010Ryan Ward$500.00
2011Rebecca Beaupre$1,000.00
2011B. Gabriella Gonzalez$1,000.00
2011Anthony Quinn$500.00
2011Kaitlin Chapple$500.00
2012Rebecca L. Beaupre$1,000.00
2012Andrew Base$1,000.00
2012Brayden-Leigh Nielsen$500.00
2012Sarah Anne Charlebois$500.00
2013Kendra Gass$1,000.00
2013Michelle Boucher$1,000.00
2013Jacquelyn Babich$500.00
2013Amanda Pare$500.00
2014Madeline Moore$1,000.00
2014Emily Sullivan$1,000.00
2014Ellen Elizabeth Hatt$500.00
2014Curtis Whittla$500.00
2015Kylie Alexis Gass$1,000.00
2015Katie Salter$1,000.00
2015Trevor Robert Marin$500.00
2015Kevin Thomas$500.00
2016Keagan Paige MacDonald$1,000.00
2016Evan Davis Clarke$1,000.00
2016Melody Lamontagne$500.00
2016Tabatha Fairman$500.00
2017Nathan Feuillat$1,500.00
2017Nikita Kamblé-Bagal$1,500.00
2017Elizabeth Anne Hall$750.00
2017Alexandra Orprecio Correa$750.00
2018Gabrielle McKenna$1,500.00
2018Liam Pederson$1,500.00
2018Cpl Nicole Brenner-Rae$750.00
2018Dante Stabile$750.00
2019Lauren Awalt$1,500.00
2019Ann Lambert$1,500.00
2019Sophie MacDonald$750.00
2019Abrinna Unser-Doering$750.00
2020MacKenzie Ly$750.00
2020Cassandra Stabile$750.00
2020Samantha Stegmeier$750.00
2020Liam McQuigge$750.00
2020Marguerite Dawson-Gariepy$750.00
2020Philip Dawson-Gariepy$750.00
2016Colonel Peter H. Sutton, CD (Retired) – Lifetime Achievement
2016Captain James C. Creamer, CD – Individual (Honour)
2016Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth Lloyd, CD – Individual (Honour)
2016Master Warrant Officer Victor J. Burke, CD – Individual (Merit)
2016Lieutenant-Colonel Hubert Jansen, CD (Retired) – Individual (Merit)
2016Vintage Signals Team – Collective
2016Membres de l’ Escadron des transmission du Groupe de Soutien de la 2e Division – Collective
2017Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Costello, CD (Retired) – Individual (Honour)
2017Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Taylor, CD (Retired) – Individual (Merit)
2017Master Warrant Officer J. Troyanek, CD (Retired) – Individual (Merit)
2018Lieutenant-Colonel Lloyd J. Tien, CD (Retired) – Lifetime Achievement
2018Master Corporal Dennis Stow, CD (Retired) – Lifetime Achievement
2018Wendy M. Stewart – Individual (Honour)
2018Lieutenant-Commander George T. Fraser, OMM, CD (Posthumous) – Individual (Honour)
2018Warrant Officer Robert L. Wortman, CD (Retired) – Individual (Honour)
2018Canadian Forces Crypto Maintenance Squadron Heritage Team – Collective
2018Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment History Section – Collective
2019Sergeant Bill Murphy, CD (Retired) – Lifetime Achievement
2019Warrant Officer Peter G. Nordstrom, CD – Individual (Honour)
2019Captain Gregory C. Parent, CD – Individual (Merit)
2020Lieutenant-Colonel Mervyn Embury, CD (Retired) – Lifetime Achievement
2020Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Wayne R. Moore, MMM, CD (Retired) – Individual (Honour)
2020Chief Warrant Officer Maynard Whitlaw, CD (Retired) – Individual (Honour)
2021Lieutenant R.M. (Richard) Gilbert, CD - Individual (Merit)
2021Master Warrant Officer J.J.P (Pierre) Plante, CD (Ret'd) - Individual (Honour)