Heritage Awards


To recognize individuals, teams and organizations who make a noteworthy contribution to the preservation, education and celebration of Canada’s Military C&E Heritage.

As part of the Canadian Military Communications and Electronics Association’s C&E Awards and Recognition Program, the Heritage Awards are proposed to supplement other forms of recognition in our community such as Branch commendations and the Foundation’s Philanthropic Award. In this instance, these awards are intended for presentation to persons and organizations who promote our heritage and honour our legacy through their actions.




1. Heritage Service Recognition:

Presented at any time to an individual, team or organization in acknowledgment of an accomplishment, project or effort which contributes in a meaningful way to recognizing and/or honouring Canada’s Military C&E Heritage.

Examples of when a Heritage Service Recognition could be given include recognition of volunteers, who have given freely of their time and talent to preserve, educate and celebrate our heritage, usually over an extended period; school projects that commemorate C&E history/heritage; members of a unit who conduct research on their unit history; or civilian employees of any organization, military or civilian, who make that “extra effort” to support C&E heritage objectives.

A Heritage Service Recognition is not subject to a formal nomination/selection process. Recognition mementoes would be available from the C&E Museum and funded by those individuals/organizations wishing to make the presentation. Some subsidization of the cost of Heritage Service Recognition mementoes may be considered at a future date.


2. Collective Heritage Award:

To recognize the role of a team or an organization in the planning, development, execution and delivery of a capability, product or project that makes a significant and lasting contribution to Canada’s Military C&E Heritage. Presented annually during the C&E week, normally to only one recipient.

The recipient need not be a member of the C&E community and the award could go, for example, to a corporation, a non-profit organization or a school.


3. Individual Heritage Awards:

Presented annually, with no quota on the number of awards that can be made in any grade.

· Lifetime Achievement. This grade recognizes a lifetime of service to Canada and to the preservation, education and celebration of the heritage and traditions of the Canadian Military Communications and Electronics community.

· Honour. This grade recognizes an exceptional effort and an outstanding contribution to Canada’s Military C&E Heritage, which reflects well on the award recipient and on the entire Canadian Military C&E community.

· Merit. This grade recognizes a significant contribution to Canada’s Military C&E Heritage.


Nominations for Individual and Collective Heritage Awards should be national in geographic reach and broad in scope, with the overriding criteria being the assessed contribution that has been made to C&E Heritage. Though candidates will most likely come from within the C&E community, any individual, team or organization can be nominated if, in the opinion of the nominator, they meet the criteria of an award category.

While deserving individuals are relatively easy to identify, teams and organizations may include Regular or Reserve units, C&E clubs and associations, private and public companies, academic institutions or a commemorative project team. Examples of activities, projects or events eligible for consideration for a collective nomination could include: development of heritage educational packages, research on unit missions, honouring a fallen hero, participation in commemorative events (Nijmegen March, adventure training to a heritage site) or the creation of a C&E memorial/display.



01 – Heritage Awards – Instruction
02 – Heritage Awards – Application



Nominations for Individual and Collective awards must be submitted NLT 15 July of the current year.

Selection of award recipients will occur in September with presentations made during C&E Week  (usually in October).


2016Colonel Peter H. Sutton, CD (retraité) – Accomplissement d’une vie
2016Capitaine James C. Creamer, CD – Individuel (Honneur)
2016Lieutenant Colonel Honoraire Kenneth Lloyd, CD – Individuel (Honneur)
2016Adjudant-maître Victor J. Burke, CD – Individuel (Mérite)
2016Lieutenant Colonel Hubert Janssen, CD (retraité) – Individuel (Mérite)
2016Équipe Vintage Signals – Collectif
2016Membres de l’Escadron des transmission du Groupe de Soutien de la 2e Division – Collectif
2017Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Costello, CD (retraité) – Individuel (Honneur)
2017Lieutenant Colonel Robert Taylor, CD (retraité) – Individuel (Mérite)
2017Adjudant-maître J. Troyanek, CD (retraité) – Individuel (Mérite)
2018Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd J. Tien, CD (retraité) – Accomplissement d’une vie
2018Caporal-chef Dennis Stow, CD (retraité) – Accomplissement d’une vie
2018Wendy M. Stewart – Individuel (Honneur)
2018Lieutenant Commandant George T. Fraser, OMM, CD (à titre posthume) – Individuel (Honneur)
2018Adjudant Robert L. Wortman, CD (retraité) – Individuel (Honneur)
2018Équipe du patrimoine de l’escadron de maintenance Crypto des FC – Collectif
2018Section Histoire du Régiment des transmissions interarmées des FC – Collectif
2019Sergent Bill Murphy, CD (retraité) – Accomplissement d’une vie
2019Adjudant Peter G. Nordstrom, CD – Individuel (Honneur)
2019Capitaine Gregory C. Parent, CD – Individuel (Mérite)
2020Lieutenant-Colonel Mervyn Embury, CD (retraité) – Accomplissement d’une vie
2020Premier Maître de 1e Classe Wayne R. Moore, MMM, CD (retraité) – Individuel (Honneur)
2020Adjudant-chef Maynard Whitlaw, CD (retraité) – Individuel (Honneur)
2021Lieutenant R.M. (Richard) Gilbert, CD - Individuel (Mérite)
2021Adjudant-maître J.J.P (Pierre) Plante, CD (retraité) - Individuel (Honneur)