C&E WEEK 2022

Officers and NCMs of the C&E Branch and its founding services: this post and the attachments below provide an overview of C&E Week 2022.  Note that this year’s event will deviate from previous iterations. Due to recent health-related restrictions, the focus this year shall be on lectures, PD sessions, and seminars via virtual platforms (e.g. MS Teams).

C&E Week will span Monday, 24 October to Friday, 28 October 2022.  The various events shall be completely virtual in nature with remote attendance drawn from across the country.

Note that this year’s event will mark a return to in person activities while maintaining the virtual delivery theme as used over the last several years.  The focus this year shall continue to centre on lectures, PD sessions, and seminars via in person and virtual platforms (e.g. MS Teams, SLIDO, and Zoom).

C&E Week 2021 Instructions

C&E Week 2022 Schedule

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