MCpl Danny Corneau, CD, RCCS (Retired)

09 Aug 20

With profound sadness we announce the passing of MCpl (Ret’d) Danny Corneau, who died at the age of 32, on 9 August 2020, in Montreal.

Danny lived in Petawawa, Ontario and before that in Causapscal. He was the son of Mr. Denis Chiasson and Ms. Johanne Corneau. Danny Corneau is survived by his wife Anna Davidovitch, his son Mathieu, his parents Johanne (Normand “Mr. Poilu”) et Denis, his sister Karine, his nephew and niece Mega and William, his grandmother Marie-Esther, his uncles and aunts, and all his brothers in the Canadian Army, as well as many relatives and friends.

The family received condolences at the Family Funeral Home FOURNIER (110 Gaétan-Archambault Avenue, Amqui, QC) on Tuesday, 18 August 2020. The celebration of life has taken place at the Salle des rituels of the Family Funeral Home Fournier in Amqui, on Wednesday, 19 August. After the celebration, the cremation has taken place at the Crematorium of East Sayabec and the ashes of Mr. Corneau were burried in the Repos St-Paul d´Amqui cemetery.Those who wish can send expressions of sympathy or make a donation to the Mental Health Foundation.

A memorial service is planned for Tuesday, 09 September 2020 at 1100 hours.  A live-stream broadcast is available for those members interested in attending virtually.  Please visit on the morning of the 9th.  The link goes live at 1045 hours EST.  The service will also be recorded for those who are unable to attend.