Retirement Date: 28/03/2024

Master Warrant Officer Ron Breton will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) on 28 March 2024. As we bid farewell to a remarkable career spanning 47 years, it is with great honour and admiration that we extend our warmest retirement wishes to Master Warrant Officer Breton. Born in the picturesque town of Jasper, AB, and later finding his way to Thunder Bay, ON, MWO Breton embarked on a journey that took him across our great nation and beyond.

In 1977, MWO Breton answered the call to serve and joined the CAF as a Radio Technician.  Upon completing his training at CFSCE Kingston, MWO Breton was posted to 2 Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (2PPCLI) in Winnipeg, MB, in 1978, where he played a crucial role in the success of the unit.

In 1981, MWO Breton was posted to Cold Lake where he participated in bringing the, then new and state of the art, TRACS system online.  He was promoted to MCpl and posted to Kingston in 1995 where he spent 7 years as an instructor at the GATR site.

In 1992 he was promoted to Sgt and posted to 733 Comm Squadron in Winnipeg. It was on 05 Dec 1995 that the Aerospace Telecommunication and Information Systems Technician (ATIS) occupation was created, marking a pivotal moment in MWO Breton’s career as he became one of the inaugural ATIS techs.

After being promoted to WO, MWO Breton was posted to Comox where, 3 years later, he was promoted to MWO and assumed the duties and responsibilities of the SWO.

In 2005, MWO Breton moved back to Winnipeg and then in 2010, transitioned to the reserves, where he worked at 1 CAD A6 for the remainder of his career, showcasing his enduring commitment to the CAF.  As MWO Breton hangs up his uniform, we reflect on the countless sacrifices, achievements, and moments of camaraderie that have defined his illustrious career.

Throughout his military career, he always ready to serve wherever the CAF needed him. MWO Breton’s contributions have left an incredible mark on our military and our nation, as a dedicated servant of Canada.

May the years ahead be filled with joy, relaxation, and the fulfillment of well-deserved dreams. As MWO Breton looks forward to his next chapter, we’re delighted to share that the first thing he is going to do is adopt a puppy. May this new furry companion bring boundless joy and companionship in the well-deserved leisure of retirement.

MWO Breton’s DWD will be held at 17 Wing Warrants and Sgts Mess, Fire Side on 28 March 2024 at 13:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs.  All are welcome to attend to share stories and celebrate his retirement. Please RSVP to Capt Fancy Yu at [email protected]. Congratulatory messages, stories, photos, or anecdotes can also be sent to the same address.

Congratulations on your retirement, MWO Breton, and thank you for your unparalleled service to our country.

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