REMINDER: Branch Honours & Awards Posted


The Branch Honours & Awards for 2020 have been revised and uploaded on CMCEN.  Please look to the CMCEN homepage and select the H&A option from the drop-down menu.

Updated instructions and submission templates now exist for the following:

  • Colonel-in-Chief Commendation
  • C&E Branch Commendation
  • Subaltern of the Year
  • Member of the Year
  • C&E Branch Educational Bursary
  • C&E Heritage Awards

Furthermore, all competitions are now accepting applications:

  • Submissions for the Colonel-in-Chief Commendation are due to the Branch Adjutant (Major Blair Christie) NLT Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 1500 hours (EST);
  • The Branch Commendation does not adhere to a rigid submission timeline and applications may be forwarded to the Branch Adjutant at any time;
  • The Subaltern and Member of the Year Awards must be channeled through the respective Occupation Advisor (OA) for each MOSID as detailed in the instructions.  The submission due date to the OAs is NLT Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 1500 hours (EST).  The OAs shall then reduce the pool of submissions to nine (9) in total, each of which shall be confirmed as the top junior member for each occupational specialty in the C&E Branch.  Of those, one shall be further appointed as the top C&E subaltern and one shall be confirmed as the top C&E member:
    • Top Signal Officer (RCCS) and CELE Officer (RCAF) for the Subaltern Award; and
    • Top Signal Operator, Signal Technician, Line Technician, and – potentially – Network Technician from the RCCS, Top ATIS Technician from the RCAF, and Top Signals Intelligence Specialist (Communication Researcher) and Cyber Operator.
  • Applications for the Branch Educational Bursary are due to the Branch Adjutant NLT Friday, 31 July 2020 at 1500 hours (EST).
  • Applications for the C&E Military Heritage Awards do not adhere to a rigid submission timeline and applications may be forwarded to the Branch Adjutant at any time for furtherance to the selection boards.  The boards typically stand-up in the July-August timeframe.  Any application received after this time shall be automatically forwarded to next year’s submission pool and the submitting authority will be advised as such.

Additional Note on Submission Timings:
The Branch Leadership will reassess those timings / deadlines based on the evolving public health situation.  The Branch Leadership will ensure max flexibility is offered if the timings are too stringent to allow for proper submission of H&A nominations.

In the coming days, the French version of all files shall be uploaded once the Branch Office completes the translation and review of each document.

Good luck to all applicants!

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