C&E Association Annual General Meeting (AGM)


The C&E Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 29 October 2020 at 15:15 hours EST at the Communications and Electronics museum, 95 Craftsman Blvd., CFB Kingston, Kingston, Ontario. Because of the current health situation, the meeting will be held virtually using the Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) application.

All personnel of the Association including serving, retired personnel of the Communications and Electronic (C&E) Branch, and friends of the C&E Association and Branch who have not pre-registered in advance can still participate in this meeting by visiting the following link on the scheduled day and time: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDc5Y2ViNzYtNjQzYi00OWZhLWE4OWYtYjE3ZWY5MTU2MTQ1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22325b4494-1587-40d5-bb31-8b660b7f1038%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224db29078-1e05-473f-8396-e4a370979455%22%7d

The agendas for this meeting along with the minutes of the last AGM are attached.

Michel Boislard, CD
Secretary, C&E Association
[email protected]

Annex 1: AGM – Agenda 2020
Annex 2: AGM – Minutes (14 Nov 18)

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