C&E Branch at WiDS Breakfast: Fostering Two-Way Industry Engagement for Excellence!


In a display of commitment to diversity and defense & security prowess, the C&E Branch made waves at the Women in Defence & Security (WiDS) Breakfast on March 1st. The event, boasting 1400 in-person attendees and an additional 300 online participants, featured keynote speaker Senator RAdm(ret’d) Rebecca Patterson. Senator Patterson took center stage, delivering an engaging keynote address that bridged the worlds of defense & security, setting a powerful tone for the day.

With a diverse global audience, WiDS provided a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences. The Ukrainian WiDS chapter offered a noteworthy update, marking a significant milestone one year after its inception. WiDS demonstrated a commitment to nurturing talent by awarding 1 fellowship and 2 educational scholarships, each valued at $10,000, propelling recipients towards greater heights in the field of defense & security.

A recurring theme echoed through the discussions – the paramount importance of robust networks, particularly among women in the Defense & Security sector. The event underscored the value of strong male allies in fostering an environment of collaboration and mutual support. The C&E Branch actively contributed to the vision of WiDS, promoting effective two-way industry engagement, including industry sponsorship of WiDS events, encouraging industry participation in WiDS membership and events, and championing successful WiDS programming. These initiatives aim to make connections, develop talent, and recognize excellence within the defense & security community.

Representing the C&E Branch, a cadre of distinguished individuals made their mark at WiDS, showcasing not only the strength and diversity of the C&E Branch but also contributing significantly to the success of the WiDS Breakfast.

  • Col Marilyne Lafortune (RCAF)
  • LCol Steeve Lavoie (Branch Advisor)
  • LCol Kevin Doubrough (CFJOSG J6)
  • Maj Ken Bunting (DIMCD)
  • Capt Kruti Bagde (76 Comm Regt)
  • Capt Bianca Esanu (CFIOG CCU) (WiDS Emerging Leader)
  • Capt Nouhou Habiba (DAEPM (R&CS))
  • CWO Alex Arndt (C&E Branch)
  • Cpl Jennifer-Kim Garand (CFNOC)
  • S1 Claire Jeans (CFS Lietrim)

Their active participation not only showcased the strength and diversity of the C&E Branch but also contributed significantly to the success of the WiDS Breakfast.

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