C&E Branch CWO Visits Units in Edmonton




Between March 18th and 21st, 2024, the Branch Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Alex Arndt embarked on a tour of various Branch units in the Edmonton area. These units included:

  • 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters & Signals Squadron
  • 3 Line Troop, 77 Line Regiment
  • 3 Canadian Division Support Group
  • 41 Signals Regiment
  • 3 Canadian Division G6 shop

During these visits, CWO Arndt gained insights into the diverse activities and accomplishments of Branch members serving in these units. He was particularly impressed by their professionalism and high morale in what is aptly referred to as the “Army of the West.”

The visits also provided an opportunity for formal and informal recognition of outstanding individuals within the Branch:

  • Corporal Reece Steinhoff received the 2023 Line Technician of the Year certificate.
  • Captain Adrian Nelson of 3 Line Troop, 77 Line Regiment, was honored with a Branch coin for his efforts in supporting the targeted recruiting of future Line Technicians at CFRC Edmonton.
  • Sergeant Justin Payne and Master Corporal Courtney McKinley, both from 3 CDSG, received Branch coins for their selfless actions in assisting a distressed CAF member.
  • Sergeant David Jones from 41 Signals Regiment earned a Branch coin for his pivotal role in modernizing the Regiment’s crypto vault and enhancing unit training.

To all these dedicated individuals, a hearty “Bravo Zulu” (BZ) for their hard work, dedication, and inspiring contributions!

The Branch CWO extends his gratitude to the Edmonton area command teams of the visited units for their warm hospitality. Additionally, he appreciates the collaboration and support provided by the CFSCE contingent during this visit.

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