eFP BG Comms Academy Recap


eFP Battle Group Latvia 20-02 Communications Academy

As part of its first month on ground with enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Latvia, the Roto 20-02 Signal Platoon pioneered the mission’s first ever multi-national Communications Academy. This training introduced command post operators from all 9 NATO nations within the Battle Group to a wide variety of communications equipment. HF, VHF and UHF radio, tactical satellite and L-band satellite systems, line and signals dispatch service were all covered with theoretical and practical components as they apply operationally. Sending nations were also given the opportunity to present to the course their own ways of setting up command posts within their respective units.

This 6 day course had the unique challenge for Canadian RCCS instructors having to confront the various language barriers amongst students from the 9 different nationalities. The award of Top Communicator was presented to an Italian soldier for his keenness in learning the equipment, networking skills and ability to move past language barriers and assist his peers. This Communications Academy gave the Battle Group an opportunity to not only create a common level of familiarity for all the national militaries involved, but also gave Canadian Signallers the chance to meet with and build relationships with their NATO counterparts as they work together here on Operation REASSURANCE.

Written by:
Cpl Caleigh Wong
36 Signal Regiment, Halifax

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