From the Desk of the Col Cmdt


Dear C&E Family,

At this momentous time in our history we are experiencing an incredible challenge to our safety and health. The global situation is calling for extreme measures that are attempting to contain a virus that puts many at risk. We are told that the most vulnerable are those elderly individuals who have underlying conditions. However, recent information says that the virus does not differentiate by age and that more of the younger generation are becoming affected. Many of our community are in self isolation having just returned from abroad or just following guidance from our public health experts. The concern is palpable, and some individuals may be experiencing anxiety in dealing with this unfathomable situation.

It is at times like this that we as a community and family must come together to support one another. I would ask that each of us consider those who may not be in a position to help themselves and that we reach out to them to ensure that they have the necessary support to carry them through this difficult period. This support may be in the form of helping with groceries, access to medication or just a call to keep in touch. We have a network of communicators across the country so I would ask that each of us in our regions look at how we might make a connection with our more vulnerable communicators.

I would ask that those of you are willing to assist in this effort to please let me know so that we know that our fellow communicators are not forgotten and do not feel isolated. I am prepared to develop a list of individuals from across the country who are reaching out to keep our fellow communicators safe and healthy. We are still a long way from the end of this crisis so we must remain vigilant.

If there is anyone on this communique that is in need of assistance please let me know and I will ensue that direct contact is established…[email protected] or 613-862-8495.

Stay safe – stay healthy

P.S. Thanks to Bill Richard for bringing this need to light…KO


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