Major Blair A. Christie, MMM, CD Invested into the Order of Military Merit


Major Blair A. Christie, MMM, CD, RCCS was invested in the Order of Military Merit at the Rank of Member on Monday, 27 May 2019.

The ceremony took place at Rideau Hall and was presided by Her Excellency, The Governor General of Canada and the Chief of Defence Staff.

Major Christie wishes to express his profound appreciation to a great many professionals, superiors, and mentors at the Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment (CFJSR) for endorsing his application into the Order.

Thank you – with sincerity, loyalty, and respect – to Colonel Jason Walkling, Captain Jeff Munn (former RSM), Lieutenant-Colonel Stephane Roy, Major Brigitte Allaire, Barb Bajema, Terri Munro, and CWO Frederick Lavoie. Thank you to a litany of stalwart Warrant Officers and remarkable Regimental Officers including MWO Trevor McInnis, MWO Callum Campbell, and Captain Leighton Hardy (former MWO); Warrant Officers Doug Yeo, Gary Thomson, and Sebastien Hamel; and Captains Robert Holt, Brent Sakaki, Kyra Smith, Justin Urquhart, Shae Luhowy, and Ken Berube. Thank you the Regimental NCOs such as Sergeants Jay Wood, Todd Williams, Peter Hanson, and Mark Bee for making my job a success and for elevating the Regiment to its status as the finest unit in the service.

A special thanks is owed to Lieutenant-Colonel Jeff ‘Zoomer’ Szumlanski; former DCO of the Regiment, my Command Team partner in the ‘Paper War’, and the man who – after deeming me fit enough to wear this honour – initiated the lengthy process required to draft and submit my nomination. He is an unfaltering example of generosity, and exemplifies what it means to put others before self.

Anywhere, Anytime.

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Leighton Hardy
5 years ago

Outstanding Sir, and extremely well deserved, you serve the Corp and branch with distinction and honour. It has been my privilege to have worked and served with you, I am both humbled and honoured that you have mentioned me in your letter of thanks and look forward to our paths crossing again.


Major Blair Christie
5 years ago
Reply to  Leighton Hardy

Captain Leighton Hardy:

That certainly means a lot, considering the comments derived from a CFR’d MWO who held the appointments of Squadron Sergeant-Major and Chief Communication Operator.

It was a pleasure to serve with you at The Regiment whilst you kept a keen eye on troop welfare, and the good order & discipline of the unit.

See you at the VOM soon enough.

Thanks again Leighton; it sincerely means a lot.

Earl Wallace
5 years ago

Congratulations Blair, I always knew you were destined for greatness.

P.S. Nice beard.

Major Blair Christie
5 years ago
Reply to  Earl Wallace


Great to hear from you. Melissa sends her regards. Thank you for the compliment; it is truly appreciated.

You were an exceptional Troop Warrant; all the more impressive when you recall that you were forced to employ me and ‘Super Dar’ and as your Section Commanders / Sergeants. You were always a patient man, and a remarkably adept mentor.

Some of our fondest memories were gatherings at Marianne’s house when we were all part of G Troop / 3 Squadron / CFJSR.

You’re missed. I hope retirement is treating you well, and you’re getting as much time on the golf green as possible. Send my respect – and thanks – to Wayne Easterbrook (another exceptional leader in my life) when next you see him.

Guy Thibault
5 years ago

Congratulations Blair, you are so well deserving of this recognition.


Major Blair Christie
5 years ago
Reply to  Guy Thibault


It was a profound honour, and it is truly appreciated to receive an accolade from the former Vice Chief of Defence Staff.

The trip to visit HRH in England, and partake in the D-Day events in Normandy, France were simply unbelievable. I owe a tremendous debt to the Branch, and to our Branch Leader, for deeming me fit to accompany the Colonel Commandant and represent our C&E Family.

A truly remarkable week; nearly every entry in my military ‘bucket list’ was accomplished in the span of three weeks.

The Colonel Commandant – BGen Kevin O’Keefe, OMM, CD, Late RCCS (Retired) – sends his warmest respects and regards.

Take care, Sir, and thank you.


Major Christie

Kelly Budarick
5 years ago

Congratulations!! I am very fortunate to have been on course with you and have you instruct courses I have attended. You have taught me many things that I carry with me day to day. You set the bar high for professionalism.

Major Blair Christie
5 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Budarick


Thank you; I truly appreciate it. Thanks for hanging out with me during SJSOC, and for tolerating my passionate rants about signal doctrine during FSOC. Please remember to read SILO – Volume I to your grandchildren by the fireplace in years to come. The chapter on the SEP/NOC/OSC is my daughter’s favourite bedtime story.

Sincerely honoured that I made a favourable impression alongside the roster of truly remarkable people that you and I have come to know. Please stay in touch, take good care, and hopefully we can share a pint during C&E Week 2019.

Very kind of you Kelly; thanks again.


Peter Hanson
5 years ago

Maj Christie,
The very best to you and congratulations on the receipt of the MMM, it is honor to have met and served with you. I thank you for the mention in your letter of thanks, I am definitely humbled. As all sigs I am sure our paths will cross again, and I keep a jar of peanut butter with me at all time.

Major Blair Christie
5 years ago
Reply to  Peter Hanson

Sergeant Pete ‘The Man’ Hanson:

The honour is all mine. Your character and commentary are worthy of its own chapter in the Regimental Officers’ Aide-Memoire.

Thank you for all the help and solutions you provided both at the school and the Regiment. As per SOP and experience – I will never ask how you managed, or inquire as to what you had to do.

With respect;

Major Christie

Rod Sturge
5 years ago


Regardless of rank or position you have made an impact on all those you have served with. You have distinguished yourself throughout your career. Congrats on earning such a prestigious honour.

Major Blair Christie
5 years ago
Reply to  Rod Sturge


Thanks brother … keep an eye on Lieutenant-Colonel Gash and Gary Thomson in my beautiful home province of Nova Scotia. So good to hear that the old 2 RCR Sig Platoon team is slowing coming back together at 5 Div (a.k.a. the ‘Mighty Maroon Machine’).

Look me up if you ever need a ‘Skilled-Normal-Developing’ Field Officer in the Divisional 6 Shop.

Take good care Rod. You’re a good man. Thanks for your guidance and mentorship during our time with the 2 RCR BG (and for weathering the storm we caused with our staff work submissions all those years ago). Thanks again.

Todd Williams
5 years ago

Nothing but respect for you major Christie. I wish I had met you earlier in my career. I would have learned a lot more about the military quicker. My hat is off to you Major Christie. Congratulations.

Major Blair Christie
5 years ago
Reply to  Todd Williams

Sergeant Williams:

That means so much coming from you and your office. Thank you for keeping CFRs like me grounded and focused.

Hats off to the GMT Cell at The Regiment … the NCOs who ‘ground the bones of signallers to make their bread’.


Trevor McInnis
5 years ago

Very well done Maj Christie; to say that you’re deserving of the honour is an understatement. Very proud of our time working together and humbled by your acknowledgment,
MWO Trevor McInnis

Major Blair Christie
5 years ago
Reply to  Trevor McInnis

Mister McInnis … my Command-Team partner, and card player extraordinaire (too all those reading; I racked up a 28-hand in crib, for the first time in my life mind you, and still lost to this man whose luck at H-Hour is nothing short of villainous).

Thank you for the accolade. I was expecting to see you at Rideau Hall to receive your MMM as well, but appreciate the whirlwind of personal / professional activity in your life that needs to settle before you can take a moment for yourself. The ceremony will simply astound you and Rose; the meticulous attention to detail – down to the seating plan – will satisfy even the most unforgiving and keen-eyed of Sergeants-Major.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Order, and I’ll see you in good heath & spirits in the coming months. Enjoy D Mil C 5 and the NCR, send my regards to Rose, and take good care.

LCol Neil McKenna
5 years ago

Blair, what a great, yet humble, letter of thanks. Well done to all who supported your nomination, we need to do this more in the Branch! Blair, I don’t think we’ve ever met, but I know many of those you mention in your letter and, rest assured, if you got it… deserve it. My heartfelt congratulations on this terrific honour bestowed upon you. BZ brother. VVV

Major Blair Christie
5 years ago


Thank you very much for the kind words; very much appreciated. Perhaps we’ll cross paths at the forthcoming C&E Week Mess Dinner. Happy to hear to we know many in the same circle, and can attest to their remarkable character.