OC Musem, Major Priems, Receives CFB Kingston Command Team Coin



The CFB Kingston Command Team Coin was presented to OC Museum, Major Priems, by Colonel Sonny Hatton, Base Commander, and Base CWO Shaun Prendergast on 13 June 2023.


Major Priems has been an invaluable part of the Alcohol, Other Drugs, Gambling and Gaming for Supevisors (AODGG) delivery team for many years. Before he had received the official AODGG training through  Directorate of Force Health Promotion (DFHP), he volunteered his time to deliver on CAF policy to young members becoming supervisors. Throughout the years, he has taught hundreds of military supervisors how to apply the applicable policies and laws that constitute their legal framework. Juggling these directives, laws and policies along with personalities can be complex. He always managed to do it with great care and compassion while remaining focused on the mission of the organization. As such, through his contributions, he has increased the health and level of functioning of many people and the of the CAF as a whole.


Maj Priems, Health Promotions team and partners.


We have all gained knowledge and experience through Major Priems’ unwavering commitment to the CAF through the AODGG Supervisor training and for this we are forever grateful and he will be greatly missed.


Note: Maj Priems is leaving as the OC Museum at the end of June, moving to Ottawa, and is transferring to DGIMO HQ/Cyber Support.


Photo credits: Annette Gillis, Curator C&E Museum


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