As we near the festive season, your Association has undertaken Op JIMMY SANTA, the distribution of Branch memorabilia and assorted amazing swag to brighten the lives of our Branch members deployed on operations around the world. In a secret location in Eastern Ontario, hard-working elves from the Signallers’ Club packed up the goods from The Mercury Shop and sent them on their way to the “Head Jimmy” in each Op for ongoing distribution. Our whole C&E family sends along best wishes to all our deployed personnel; may these small tokens remind you of our support and regard for you, now and all year ‘round.
P.S. Our heartfelt thanks to the Mercury Shop staff, the Signallers’ Club and the CF Postal Unit Kingston for their operational support.
P.P.S. Extraordinary last-minute interventions from Mike DeNoble and our Colonel Commandant ensured that the Op crossed the start line. BZ for their efforts.
Are you tracking all of the Sigs mbrs currently serving in Kuwait, and numerous locations in Iraq. I hope Op JS doesn’t miss them.
LCol Sterling,
Communications with Santa have resumed after his Boxing Day sabbatical. He indicates that Kuwait was indeed on his list: the helpful folks at Joint Ops provided him with a list.
Thanks for your interest>