Professional Development Seminar 2020


On Wednesday, 28 October 2020 – from 1000 until 1500 hours EST, the C&E Association shall host a Professional Development Seminar to discuss emerging technologies and listen to the operational experiences of several Branch members recently returning from overseas deployments.  This year we are partnering with AFCEA – Canada’s premier information technology, communications, and electronics association – to present three ‘virtual’ professional development sessions. Among the roster of highly credentialed speakers, the seminar will have three recently retired Brigadier-Generals: John Turnbull, Rob Mazzolin, and Martin Girard.  The course shall be hosted on Microsoft Teams.  Upon registration, you will receive an invitation from the moderating staff.

Note that registration has now been extended to Friday, 23 October 2020 at 1600 hours EST.

Please note that from 0845 – 1000 hours EST, the PD Seminar MS Teams session shall be front-loaded by an address chaired by the CAF J6 and the Branch Leader.  The Branch Leader’s Address shall entail a separate MS Teams session extended to CWO/CPO1 and LCols & higher.  It shall run from 0845 until approximately 0935 hours.  The Branch Leader’s EA shall issue the invitations.  The CAF J6 Address shall leverage the PD Seminar MS Teams session and will run from 0945 – 1000 hours ahead of the PD Seminar schedule.

Please ensure you are online NLT 0940 hours EST to hear the opening remarks by MGen Jayne.


The course schedule is as follows …

Canadian Centre for Cyber Security:
A presentation about experiences since its establishment, followed by a question period.

  • Presenter:
    Mr. André Boucher, Associate Head CCCS
  • Moderator:
    BGen (Ret’d) John Turnbull
1000 – 1045
5G Technology:
What is it?  Is it being used in a military context?  DND vision for use.  Three panelists will present different aspects and stand by to answer your questions on this timely subject.

  • Panelists:
  • Mr. Len Bastien, ADM(IM), DND
  • Mr. Bruce Rodin, VP Bell Canada
  • Col Shawn Branch, US Army , G6 Office
  • Moderator:
    BGen (Ret’d) Robert Mazzolin
1100 – 1215
BREAK / LUNCH 1215-1259

Operational Briefs:

  • Moderator:
    BGen (Ret’d) Martin Girard
Operational Brief I – CFJSR (Africa)

  • Capt Megan Farrell: Theatre Opening Op PRESENCE
Operation Brief II – CJOC (Latvia)

  • MWO Laprade: CDMN Deployment, Op REASSURANCE
Operation Brief III – CJOC (Lebanon)

  • MWO Couture: NSE, Op IMPACT
Operation Brief IV – CJOC RCAF Brief (Iceland)

  • Capt Martin Simard: Op ILLUMINATION
Q&A Session 1420-1449
Closing Remarks 1450-1500
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myriam guirguis
3 years ago

Thank you for organizing this event, it is a valuable information for DND innovation and concept section to be aware of operation challenges that operators face in the field. I would be very interested to attend any future similar events to help me better connect CAF to the current innovation streams in DND and the private sector

MWO Shaun Lumley
3 years ago

This was a great event that highlighted the Branch professionalism we all strive to attain. I am looking forward to using the link for the recorded briefings once available.