Retirement Date: 27/04/2024

Cpl Edward Langille was born on April 27th,1969 in New Glasgow NS, and raised in nearby Trenton. He joined First Battalion, The Nova Scotia Highlanders in July of 1988 to help fund his studies at Saint Francus Xavier University from where he graduated in May of 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree.

While a Highlander, Cpl Langille was a rifleman, stores man, driver, and communicator, and was one of the last reserve infanteers to have been trained on the106mm Recoilless Rifle before it was phased out of reserve anti armour detachments. He received ample employment at CTC Gagetown Infantry School, CFS Debert, and Camp Aldershot during these years. In April 1998, Cpl Langille became a proud member of First Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment at Victoria Barracks, Petawawa Garrison. During this time, he served in every rifle company less Delta which was disbanded shortly after his arrival at Battalion. Afterwards, he finished his infantry career in Echo Company. Cpl Langille also wrote articles for the Garrison newspaper and was a lifeguard at Dundonald Hall. He was also trained on the then new ERYX Missile system in 2000. Also, Cpl Langille had the pleasure of Being a member of the Guard of Honour in the repatriation of Canada’s Unknown Soldier and found himself on live television in France during the event. Speaking of travel, he also visited several other nations during his long service such as the US, UK, Germany, Hungary, Australia, Afghanistan, and the UAE.

In February 2003, Cpl Langille remustered to the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. After apprentice training, he was posted to CFJSR at CFB Kingston in July 2003. He served mainly as an NCCIS and QRT operator while there. The main highlight of his time at CFJSR was his two deployments, one to Afghanistan from Jun-Dec 2006, and UAE from Dec 2008-Jun 2009. This soldier was also an IST as well as a message centre operator in both Halifax and Winnipeg and worked extensively in cryptography at Edmonton Garrison.

All things considered, Edward (Ted) to all who know him served in practically every Canadian Army Base to the extent that he was posted to Winnipeg in 2020 as he had only four years left and the career manager had no other place to put him as he had already served everywhere else!

In summary, Ted is very much looking forward to his retirement and will live with his girlfriend Lara Grebaz who incidentally happens to be the last freestyle ski champion Canada ever produced in their favourite city, Edmonton Alberta. There Ted will start  a most anticipated new chapter of his life and secure very gainful employment. At his mugout, both he and his guests will lift their glasses to the two regiments and one corps he very proudly and lengthily served : SIOL NA FEAR FEARAIL (1NSH), PRO PATRIA, (1RCR), and


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