Retirement Date: 31/08/2024

Effective 31 August 2024, after more than 34 years of loyal and dedicated military service, MWO Troy Gaudet will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces. One of six children born and raised in Saint John, New Brunswick, Troy chose to follow in his older brother’s footsteps and enrolled in the CAF on 14 August 1990, and four days later, arrived on Basic Training at the Canadian Forces Recruit School at Canadian Forces Base, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. In early November 1990 upon completion of Basic Training, Troy was posted to the Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics in Kingston, Ontario, where he completed the Radio Operator Training. As time at the school came to an end, Troy would take his new found skill and knowledge to the 1st Canadian Division Headquarters and Signals Regiment in Kingston, Ontario, where he would serve in various positions from September 1991 to July 1996. From July 1996 to July 2001, Troy spent time with both the 79th Communication Regiment and the Canadian Forces Joint Signals Regiment, travelling the world on deployed operations. In the summer of 2001, Troy was promoted to MCpl and posted to the 2nd Canadian Mechanised Brigade Group Headquarters and Signals Squadron as a Communications Systems Detachment Commander, Section 2IC, and Bde CP 2IC. In November of 2003, Troy returned to CFJSR for a short stay until he would be promoted to Sgt and selected for employment with the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command Headquarters in February of 2006. In the summer of 2011, Troy returned to CFJSR serving as a Section Commander. Promoted to WO in 2013, Troy took the position of Delta Tp WO and in 2015 was moved into the position as the Regimental Ops WO. Promoted to MWO in the summer of 2017, Troy was selected to fill the CJOC OUTACAN position as J6 Ops with Task Force Latvia Headquarters in Riga, Latvia where he continues to serve. From 1992 to present day, Troy has deployed on ten international operations to include: Op DANACA (1992-1993) in the Middle East; Op LANCE (1994-1995) in Rwanda; Op PALLADIUM (1997 and 1999-2000) in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Op ATHENA (2003), ARCHER (2005 and 2007-2008), ATTENTION (2012) all in Afghanistan; Op IMPACT (2015) in the Middle East, and Op REASSURANCE (2017 – 2018) in Latvia. Within a couple of weeks of arriving in Latvia, Troy met his soul mate Mareka, the love of his life and they married in March 2023. Not having any children of his own, Troy was blessed through marriage with two lovely step-daughters Sindija and Patricija. Upon retirement, Troy will seek permanent residency status in Latvia, where he and Mareka will reside in the countryside on the outskirts of Riga. There, they will enjoy working the garden and spending time with family and friends, while also taking time to travel the sunny ends of Europe. Outside the homestead and travel, Troy can be found on the Links at OZO Golf Club with his fellow Expat golf buddies from around the world. MWO Troy Gaudet’s DWD will consist of a round of golf, followed by lunch which will take place on Thursday, 6 June 2024 at Ozo Golf Course. Congratulatory messages, best wishes, and anecdotes may be sent to MWO Travis Boudreau at [email protected]

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2 months ago

Hey Troy. Congrats on the retirement! Great working with you. Terry

Last edited 2 months ago by CMCEN Super Admin
2 months ago

Super Admin (Terry), firstly TY for sorting out the CMCEN page glitch, working now. Secondly, TY on the retirement note. Thirdly, it was great working with you too! Maybe when you deploy back here, we can meet up Dylan McGraw is my replacement and will be in touch with me when I retire.

Jay Wood
3 months ago


We’ve always got that exercise to laugh at – Blackout driving in Gagetown!

Congrats on your retirement!

2 months ago
Reply to  Jay Wood

Jay TY brother! Yeah, I tell everyone the story! I thought it was Wainwright? Either way it is funny as heck. I always remember you purposely hitting all the bumps and hole while we were cruising in the Bison– free exhibition ride for me. Again TY, all the best!

Aaron Hawthorne
4 months ago

Congratulations Troy!!!

An amazing career and well deserved!!

Very thankful to have served along side you

2 months ago

Aaron, TYS, great to hear from you brother! Great to have served with you too. Times have change and the pace of communications has increased exponentially, hard to keep up with those ones and zeros, now retirement! I noticed you are retiring too and transitioning into the Public Service, congrats. I wish you and yours all the best!

Tyler Campbell
4 months ago


Congrats on your well deserved retirement and all the best to you in your future!

2 months ago
Reply to  Tyler Campbell

Tyler, great to hear from you brother! I hope the engineers are treating you well. I will always enjoy the days at CFJSR, you common sense approach to everything made things easier and more comfortable for others. If you are in contact Joe, say hello to him and mentioned his old TAC buddy, now CWO Hawthorne, is the next Task Force Sergeant Major here in Latvia. I wish you all the best brother! If you deploy here, let me know through Dylan McGraw, who is my replacement.

Callum Campbell
4 months ago


Congrats and enjoy your well deserved retirement.

2 months ago

Cal, TY brother. It has been a pleasure working with you!. The times at the Mess cannot be forgotten, you are a straight shooter (no pun intended-range) and everyone knew where they stood when they engaged you. I wish you and yours all the best!

Mike Clarke
4 months ago

Congratulations Troy. All the best to you and yours in the future. Enjoy your well deserved retirement my friend.

2 months ago
Reply to  Mike Clarke

Clarke, TY brother. It has been a pleasure to have met you and that you did not hold my being a RAD Op against me, hahaha!!! I am not sure if you will see this before you retire? I wish you and yours all the best! v/r

Mike Trancoso
4 months ago

Congratulations Troy! Another great from both 9033 and 9101! Pleasure to have served with you, Sir! Best of luck on your future endeavors. VVV

4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Trancoso


It has been some time since we have seen each other last, but it seems like yesterday, albeit with better pay, that we were going through our training together. It has been a pleasure to serve with you too, Wishing you all the best!!

Rick Cooper
4 months ago

Congrats Troy, enjoy your retirement.

4 months ago
Reply to  Rick Cooper


It has been a while. I still remember the days in CDHSR, playing soccer and volleyball. They were the times and are missed from time to time. I just asked Brad Hardy, when you will be retiring, he said this year too. I wish you, Kim and the family all the best !!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!

Phil Ferguson
5 months ago

Congratulations old friend, nice to hear about your family and hope your future will be excellent.

4 months ago
Reply to  Phil Ferguson


It is like it was yesterday, seeing you in Cornwallis and shortly after in Kingston. Thank you!!

Kal Smith
5 months ago

Congratulations Troy! I hope a well deserved European retirement treats you well.
It was good to see you again in Latvia & I am forever thankful for you keeping me sane (and busy) in Kuwait 🙂
All the best – Smitty

4 months ago
Reply to  Kal Smith


Thank you. It is a pleasure to have met you!! Wish you all the best!!

Eric Brisebois
5 months ago

Congratulations on your retirement. Thanks for dragging me out to the Kiwi. Good luck on the golf course.

5 months ago
Reply to  Eric Brisebois

Thank you Eric!

Ed Whelan
5 months ago

Congrats Troy on your retirement from the CAF. Good luck going forward!

5 months ago
Reply to  Ed Whelan

Thank you Ed!

5 months ago

Congratulations Troy. All the best.

5 months ago

Thank you Daren!!!

Sam McQuay
5 months ago

Congratulations Troy!! What an amazing career you have had. All the best to you and yours in the future.

5 months ago
Reply to  Sam McQuay

Thank you Sammy!!