ROSEN 2019: Save the Date!


Dear Member of the Branch;

This is an announcement to save the date of 14 June 19 for the Retired Officers and Senior NCMs (ROSEN) Annual Dinner!

This event will again be held without spouses/guests and will take place at the Vimy Officers’ Mess (VOM) on Friday, 14 June 2019 commencing at 1800 for 1915 hours. The dress for the evening in order of preference is dinner jacket, mess dress, suit and tie or equivalent for female attendees. Wearing of miniatures is encouraged.

The traditional focus of this dinner is to provide a forum for reminiscing, camaraderie, renewing old friendships and making new ones. It is a most pleasurable annual gathering, which we are privileged to attend in the beautiful and nostalgic surroundings of the Vimy Officers’ Mess.

Keeping with the traditions of the original dinner, a formal seating plan will be in place.

A link for menu options, payment and registration is forthcoming.

As always, accommodation, on and off Base, will be at a premium so you are advised to book as soon as possible. Those who wish to book a round of golf should indicate their intentions on the registration form when it is available. If there is enough interest, an OPI will be appointed.

Questions may be referred to Second-Lieutenant Dustin Craig at (613) 541-5010 extension 8397, or by e-mail at [email protected]


K.G. O’Keefe (Retired/retraitĂ©)

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