Retired Officers’ and Senior NCMs’ (ROSEN) Mess Dinner


Dear Retired Member of the Branch;

Registration for The Retired Officers’ and Senior NCMs’ annual dinner hosted by the Colonel Commandant is now open.

This event will again be held without spouses / guests, and will take place at the Vimy Officers’ Mess (VOM) on Friday, 14 June 2019 commencing at 1800 for 1915 hours. The dress for the evening – in order of preference – is mess dress, dinner jacket, suit and tie, or equivalent for female attendees. Wearing of miniatures is encouraged.

The traditional focus of this dinner is to provide a forum for reminiscing, camaraderie, renewing old friendships, and making new ones. It is a most pleasurable annual gathering, which we are privileged to attend in the beautiful and nostalgic surroundings of the VOM.

Keeping with the traditions of the original dinner, a formal seating plan will be in place.

As always accommodation, on and off Base, will be at a premium so you are advised to book as soon as possible. Those who wish to book a round of golf should indicate their intentions on the registration form. If there is enough interest, an OPI will be appointed.

(Registration cut-off is Friday, 31 May 2019)

Questions may be referred to Second-Lieutenant Dustin Craig at (613) 541-5010 extension 8397, or by e-mail at [email protected].

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