Veterans Emergency Fund

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A note from the Col Cmdt:

VAC is reaching out to all veterans to pass on the word that during this pandemic there are emergency funds – Veterans Emergency Fund (VEF) – available to veterans who find that they just can’t make ends meet! A grant of up to $10,000 can be made available within 48 hours of application.. The current exceptional circumstances are the rationale for providing the authority at the Veterans Service Agents (VSA) and Case Managers (CM) level to approve up to 10K based on the applicant’s financial need/financial gap during COVID 19 and up to July 2020.

The criteria for VEF still apply and there must be a rationale for requesting the funds, it is not an automatic grant and the VSA/CM will review each application using needs-based problem solving. If there are any other external government funds available that would provide the solution, the applicant will be directed to the appropriate government department.

The VSA/CM can approve funding up to three months at a time, not to exceed 10K to fill a financial gap. The new process has not been released yet but direction to VAC staff has been completed and they can accept applications with documentation via MyVAC Account or contact VAC at 1-866-522-2122 for further direction.

For additional details, go to

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Richard Barnard
4 years ago

Yep I applied. It’s a small request. But denied again! You must see my name and say no.
[email protected]