Western Area Signals Mess Dinner

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Lieutenant-Colonel John Clark, CD, requests the pleasure of your company at the Western Area Signals Mess Dinner.

Please click on the Invitation to the right for full details.

The Dinner will take place in Edmonton 22 March 2019 at the Edmonton Garrison Officers’ Mess.

There is a limit of 100 participants due to the venue.

The guest of honour is scheduled to be Col. S.M.Parsons, director of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.

If signallers that are in the area would like to attend, please contact Lt L.R.Mercer, PMC for the Mess Dinner, at [email protected], NLT 14 march 2019.

Cost is $75. Due to the 100 participant limit, first come first served will be the rule in effect.

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Sgt James Love
5 years ago

Good Day Sir,

I would like to attend the mess dinner. I’m currently at the language school can you use my civil email address please!