Branch Heritage Awards:
The C&E Branch and C&E Association wishes to send a reminder for a call to nominate various individuals, organizations, projects, and dedicated civilians for a Branch Heritage Award.
These awards recognize individuals, teams, and organizations who make a noteworthy contribution to the preservation, education, and celebration of Canada’s Military C&E Heritage. These awards are intended for presentation to persons and organizations who promote our heritage and honour our legacy through their actions.
Details on the awards – and the nomination process – can be found at under the header ‘Honours & Awards’.
Please note that the nomination deadline is Monday, 15 July 2019 at 1600 hours.
Email questions or queries to [email protected]
C&E Branch Educational Bursaries:
The Branch is still accepting applications for the Educational Bursary programme, which offers two (2) grants of $1,500.00 each, and two (2) grants of $750.00 a piece for children / dependants of C&E Branch members who are enrolled in their first year of post-secondary education.
Please visit the Education and Bursaries page for a detailed explanation of the process and the required staff submissions.
The deadline for these applications is Friday, 12 July 2019 at 1600 hours.
Member and Subaltern of the Year:
Announced during C&E Week (21-25 Oct 19), these awards recognise outstanding leadership, accomplishment, and dedication to junior officers and NCOs of the C&E Branch. Aside from the award presentation, those awarded participate in Branch Mess Dinners as guests and are afforded seats for Battlefield tours such as the forthcoming Liberation of the Netherlands event.
Please visit the pages for Member and Subaltern of the Year for a detailed description of the process to nominate a deserving candidate.
The deadline for these applications is Monday, 15 July 2019 at 1600 hours.