C&E Association Has a Busy Week


Your Association took full advantage of C&E Week to deliver service to the C&E Family.

On 27 Nov, we conducted a Professional Development Seminar in conjunction with AFCEA Canada. Four in-depth panel discussions (Digitalization, Remote Working, Cyber Aspects of Continental Defence and Lessons from Recent Ops) were attended by up to 100 persons; the panels from military, academic and industry backgrounds were moderated by distinguished retired military officers and the President of AFCEA Ottawa Chapter.  Then on 28 November, your President took part in the C&E Family Update, describing work done in the heritage, and member services areas during the past year.  The Association Annual General Meeting completed the business year for the organization, including an update of the By-Laws of the Association to bring it in line with recent regulatory changes.  A capable team from CFSCE supported us with the MS Teams platform to deliver it all virtually. The photo shows the Association President, MGen (Ret) John Leech in action, talking to the screen, with the support team beavering away in the background.  We continue to work for our whole Family to deliver quality services to all.

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