On 10 July, the commemoration of OP HUSKY was held in Belleville by the 1 Inf Bde regiments that landed at Pachino, Sicily 76 years ago – The Royal Canadian Regiment, The Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment and The 48th Highlanders.
A proud contingent attended from the Joint Signal Regiment to honour the Regiment’s history as 1 Canadian Division Signals. Regrettably, Mr. Martin, Signals veteran from the Italian campaign was unable to attend.
The JSR contingent fell-in, quite smartly, with staff from HQ 1 Cdn Div to form a combined ‘Div HQ and Sig Regt’ troop for the ceremony; very fitting given divisional staff and signals were the first casualties of OP HUSKY, when a torpedo struck MV Devis, and provided C2 for MGen Guy Simonds during the campaign.
BZ to LCol Todd Anstey and the 1 Cdn Div HQ staff, and Capt Joe Sager and the JSR signallers!