
Carruthers Gravesite Ceremony 2020

Oct 2, 2020 | 0 comments

Major Bruce Carruthers Memorial Gravesite Ceremony was held at the Cataraqui Cemetery in West-end Kingston to honour the founder of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (RCCS) and the perpetuated C&E Branch (October 24 marks the 117 anniversary of the RCCS). The Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment (CFJSR) orchestrated the ceremony and was limited to an audience of ten (10) personnel max IAW Operation LASER restrictions. Personnel interested in viewing the ceremony may click on the link below  to access Facebook video record of the ceremony. Timings: The ceremony has taken place Saturday, 24 October 2020 from 1100 – 1200 hours EST. Link to video record: Major Bruce Carruthers Memorial Gravesite Ceremony

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Professional Development Seminar 2020

Oct 2, 2020 | 2 comments

On Wednesday, 28 October 2020 – from 1000 until 1500 hours EST, the C&E Association shall host a Professional Development Seminar to discuss emerging technologies and listen to the operational experiences of several Branch members recently returning from overseas deployments.  This year we are partnering with AFCEA – Canada’s premier information technology, communications, and electronics association – to present three ‘virtual’ professional development sessions. Among the roster of highly credentialed speakers, the seminar will have three recently retired Brigadier-Generals: John Turnbull, Rob Mazzolin, and Martin Girard.  The course shall be hosted on Microsoft Teams.  Upon registration, you will receive an invitation from the moderating staff. Note that registration has now been extended to Friday, 23 October 2020 at 1600 hours EST. Please note that from 0845 – 1000 hours EST, the PD Seminar MS Teams session shall be front-loaded by an address chaired by the CAF J6 and the Branch Leader.  The Branch Leader’s Address shall entail a separate MS Teams session extended to CWO/CPO1 and LCols & higher.  It shall run from 0845 until approximately 0935 hours.  The Branch Leader’s EA shall issue the invitations.  The CAF J6 Address shall leverage the PD Seminar MS Teams session and will run from 0945 – 1000 hours ahead of the […]

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Subalterns’ and Sergeants’ Indoctrination Programme 2020

Oct 2, 2020 | 0 comments

Location / Venue: CFSCE – Forde – Conference Room for Instructors and Staff | MS Teams for all students and lecturers Timings: 27-28 October 2020 from 1000-1600 hours EST Registration Closes: Note that registration has now been extended to Friday, 23 October 2020 at 1600 hours EST Notice to Registrants: Please note that registrations must be approved by a member’s CO / RSM (or equivalent) and endorsed by either Commander CFIOG (SIGINT / Cyber), the Strategic A6 (CELE / ATIS Tech), or Director Signals (RCCS professions) as applicable. Overview: The Subalterns’ & Sergeants’ Indoctrination Programme for 2020 will take place 27-28 October 2020 through Microsoft Teams meetings with a selected group of instructors residing at the CFSCE – Forde Building – Large Conference Room. The concept this year is to provide a greater understanding of the customs and traditions of the C&E Branch as well as the roles and responsibilities of Troop Command Teams. This will be achieved through a series of lectures and guided discussions with Branch Leadership and personnel having resent operational experience. Schedule:  Day 01: Tuesday 27 October 2020: Brief # Lesson Timings 01 Course Introduction 1000 – 1015 02 History and Role of the Honorary Appointments […]

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C&E Association Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Sep 30, 2020 | 0 comments

The C&E Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 29 October 2020 at 15:15 hours EST at the Communications and Electronics museum, 95 Craftsman Blvd., CFB Kingston, Kingston, Ontario. Because of the current health situation, the meeting will be held virtually using the Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) application. All personnel of the Association including serving, retired personnel of the Communications and Electronic (C&E) Branch, and friends of the C&E Association and Branch who have not pre-registered in advance can still participate in this meeting by visiting the following link on the scheduled day and time: The agendas for this meeting along with the minutes of the last AGM are attached. Michel Boislard, CD Secretary, C&E Association [email protected] Annex 1: AGM – Agenda 2020 Annex 2: AGM – Minutes (14 Nov 18)

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Operation IMPACT Command Commendations

Sep 30, 2020 | 0 comments

Recently, three Branch members – hailing from 2 CMBG HQ & Signal Squadron – were awarded the Air Detachment Commander’s Commendation to recognize their work with experimental IFF Crypto. The citation reads … Air Detachment – IMPACT Commanders Commendation: While deployed on Operation IMPACT ROTO 3, Sergeant Lambert, Master Corporal McQuigge, and Corporal Coombes skillfully supported the implementation of the MODE 5 identification system on the CC130J. Having no prior experience with the equipment, they tirelessly researched the procedure required to load the mission essential codes. Working extended hours and under a tight timeline, Sergeant Lambert, Master Corporal McQuigge, and Corporal Coombes professionalism and resourcefulness enabled the completion of a critical task preventing the loss of a mission.

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Promotions & Commendations: CIS Squadron Latvia

Sep 30, 2020 | 1 comment

The 4 Division & Task Force Latvia Commander presented commendations to two deserving signallers on 26 September 2020. Sergeant Sebastien Harvey – SIG OP (2 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn Petawawa) CIS Squadron Task Force Latvia: From July to September 2020, Sgt Sebastien Harvey, while employed as Chief Communication Operator, has been instrumental in the development and implementation of numerous C2 capabilities within the BG and NSE. He assisted the eFP BG and Land Forces Mechanized Infantry Brigade with configuration and testing of all HF, L-TAC, TACSAT capabilities, while mentoring the junior signalers in the process. Sgt Harvey has been vital for the NSE, providing a robust PACE plan to enable their C2 functions. He developed solutions for deployed field ambulances to communicate with Camp Adazi; by enabling voice communications from the Hospital to the deployed ambulances, Sgt Harvey has directly enabled the superior triage of patients in Latvia. Sgt Harvey’s actions bring credit not only to himself and the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, but to Canada and NATO as a whole. Cpl Michael Walsh – IS TECH (2 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn Petawawa) CIS Squadron Task Force Latvia: From Jul to Sept 2020, Cpl Walsh served as […]

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